It's the Journey, Not the Destination- The Consciousness Revolution

Today, the idea of going through a spiritual awakening has many connotations. Yet, what is interesting is that it is no longer looked upon with a negative or "hokey" viewpoint by as many people as it once was. The perceptions of society have begun to shift. There's still work to be done, of course, but it seems that more and more people are open to the idea of connecting to spirit both within oneself and at source level.

I've personally been on a journey over the last few years. I've been attempting to connect with my cultural Latino folk roots, find spirit within, connect with my deep rooted intuition and working towards healing emotional, family and personal traumas. It's been a journey filled with highs and lows. There have been times I've questioned my purpose, but each time the universe reminds me of my path. Those reminders come in at times loud and clear and at others, like a gentle whisper.

Yet, each moment I'm reminded to stay true to my path. To not give up, even when it seems that would be the best option. This journey isn't for the weak of heart. There are difficulties and also triumphs. There's darkness, but it always seems to lead to light. At times, I feel weak. Yet, it is during those weak times where I am pushing forward, keeping the momentum, that I am gaining strength. I've been working towards what I thought was a spiritual awakening, but it seems that I've always been awake.

The reality is that I've been working towards consciousness and connecting with myself, my life and those around me in the here and now. I've been working to take back my personal power and realize that I create my own reality. A spiritual Awakening is an altered state of perception. It is a knowing beyond knowledge. Reality has changed for the person who experiences an Awakening. In short, a spiritual Awakening is allowing yourself to be open and inviting spirit, whatever that may look like for you, into your life. In fact, many of us are already awake, but we have to continue to work on ourselves and our perceptions to benefit from our awakening. This experience isn't about the end destination, it's about the journey. The moments to learn and grow are what make the biggest impact on our lives.

My journey has led me to many places, allowed me to experience many things, but most importantly it has connected me with inspiring individuals. We all come to the table of life with personal baggage. Yet, so many of the people I have encountered who feel similar to me, in the sense that we are damaged, are often the people who give so much of themselves to the world. It is also these people, many of whom have been victimized, who work so hard to empower. It's these people who truly believe in the idea of taking back their personal power in order to embolden themselves and empower other individuals they connect with to overcome. They truly believe that the hardships they experienced in life, don't dictate the future. Rather, those hardships influence their outlook, those hardships have made them stronger and it's because of those experiences that they can empathize with others and create change within small moments.

One individual who has truly embodied these types of ideals is past Halfstacker and dear friend: Jen Gordon. Jen's journey is one that many women can connect with. She's a woman who has not allowed any of the difficult circumstances she may have encountered on her journey to dictate the direction of her life. Rather, she works within the ebb and flow of change and allows the universe to take her where she needs to be. This year has been a year of change for Jen. From moving out of state, to figuring life out as a single mother to writing her second book, she has experienced so much change. Yet, she has done so with impeccable grace and remarkable strength. She released her book The Consciousness Revolution (TCR) in October of this past year to share her journey. She hopes to bring more light and love into the world by exposing a powerful societal lie. In the book, she shares her courageous journey out of victimization and self-denial to live a life full of joy, freedom and consciousness.

TCR is what the world needs today to awaken people to their inner power, take back their own hearts and minds, and bring their gifts and talents to the world. Consequently bringing love and light into a society in much need of healing.

Jen has come to discover through her own inner journey, that most people do not realize that they create their own reality. Instead they believe that life events are happening at random and they are victims of circumstance and fate.Because of this lie, most people are locked from accessing their free will and power to create. Their inner-light is dimmed, causing masses of people to live in a zombie-like-state, and not connecting with one another. Leaving people ultimately feeling powerless in a darkened world.

Through the practical tools Jen learned along her journey to consciousness, others can practice getting their power back and share their light so the world can awaken one person at a time. Her story is remarkable, but it is also one that many can connect with. It's a story of awakening, connecting and finding your way. She believes the world changes one awakened person at a time. So, please join the consciousness revolution!

Grab your copy of the book HERE. You can also keep up with Jen on her blog:

Stay inspired readers!
Jen Lezan | Editor-in-Chief 

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