Meet Amy Campos of Grupo Kultur

Hello readers-

Last week we shared a Designer Feature from our collab with Group Kultur. This week, one of the founders - Amy Campo shares her story with us as well as more information about how
Grupo Kultur came together. 

All Imagery Courtesy of Grupo Kultur
As enthusiasts of arts, fashion and culture living in Honduras, Grupo Kultur feels the responsibility to be aware of their surroundings and to generate a positive effect in Honduran development. Grupo Kultur aims to create spaces for cultural and artistic expression with the purpose of improving and dignifying life in Honduras using as its main core value the inclusion of equitable gender roles and the strengthening of democratic ideals. Amy took some time to tell us more about the organization and the work it is doing in Honduras and international.

1. Can you please tell us a bit about yourself, your background and what led you to pursue launching Grupo Kultur

I have always been a fan of fashion as an art form, once I started reading blogs like The Cut, Fashionista and Rookie, I knew I wanted to create something like that for Honduras. A space for fashion promotion, that’s when I created Auge Boga. 2 years later my now business partner Karim contacted me to create a similar space, but for art in general called 504 (our area code) so together both portals made Grupo Kultur.

2. Can you tell us more about Grupo Kultur, the idea behind it, and the purpose and mission driving it?

Grupo Kultur aims to create spaces for cultural and artistic expression with the purpose of improving and dignifying life in Honduras using as its main core value the inclusion of equitable gender roles and the strengthening of democratic ideals.

3. What is the arts, fashion and culture scene like in Honduras? 

It is quite small, there are very few opportunities for artists, none the less, that hasn’t stopped artists from creating and promoting their work.

4. How is Honduras working to make a global impact when it comes to fashion and the arts?

Many artists aim to expose their work outside Honduras, currently Grupo Kultur is creating various projects to be presented to the Government that will expand the scene.

5. Can you offer some insights on what Honduran designers and creatives are doing to set themselves apart from the crowd in the industry?

One of the main things is to highlight the unique characteristics we have as a country. Many designers are looking back into our roots and from our tribes and communities for inspirations and colaborations.

6. Who are some designers, fashion brands, musicians and creatives from Honduras that our listeners and readers should know about?

6 months ago we signed in Grupo Kultur Paulette Sounds, a young girl percussionists that’s mixes house and electro music with latin percussion and unique vocals; designers definitely Roberto Ramirez, Marysabel Medina (who you recently read about right here on Halfstack) and of course Carlos Campos that is huge in the US. In arts Nora Buchanan and Legan Rooster, music also we can highlight Chia Casanova and Axis.

8. How is Grupo Kultur remaining innovative when it comes to the work you are doing?

We always look for inspiration in what more developed countries are doing but we always try to put our twist on what we do; something that highlights our local culture and that later becomes an excuse to promote Honduras and have others visit.

9. What are your goals for the next few years when it comes to the work you and your team are doing for the fashion and creative industries in Honduras?

We want to involve younger generations, we are looking to develop fashion and cultural programs to be taught in elementary school. We also want to have simultaneous events going on montly, for that we need more people involved.

10. What has been your greatest success or proudest moment to date? 

Our recognition by the US Government with the Young Leaders of America Fellowship Program where I got to travel to the US and live in Chicago and work and learn there.

11. How are you working to develop events and cultural growth programs that are free and open to the public? Why is this such an important aspect of what you are doing with your organization?

Its is very important for us that all our events and media remain free and accessible for everyone, we don’t want to continue the perception that since our country is still in development arts, fashion and culture is a only a luxury reserved for some. It is hard work, we basically send daily proposals to sponsors, government, etc. through the years we have gotten trust from big names in the industry but it has been a hard and constant work.

12. Finally, where can we learn more about you all online?

We have many sites, our main landing page is for Fashion and you can find us in every social media platform like augeboga. For arts and events 504revista in facebook and Instagram and we have a page for our Design Fair called Feria de Diseño Auge Boga where you can learn about our artisans.

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