Making a Mindful Routine with Dr. Stacia Pierce!

Dr. Stacia Pierce is an acclaimed life coach, author, and owner of The goal of her company is to empower and guide entrepreneurs with their personal and business goals. She gives them the tools, strategies, and systems needed in place to drive success. Dr. Pierce strongly encourages putting forth a mindful daily routine to build good habits.

August is a time of renewal and new beginnings, which makes it a great time to evaluate progress towards our own goals. We talked to Dr. Stacia Pierce to learn more about what has to offer, actionable tips you can take today to change your life, and more:

Halfstack Magazine: Why is having a daily routine essential to becoming successful?

Dr. Stacia Pierce: Oh my goodness, it’s so important to have a routine. You have routines anyway in life. Every single day [you’re] getting up functioning by some routine. But you having an intentional and purposeful routine is a cause of success.
 taught myself this about 15 years ago. To write down what I wanted to happen my next day and to follow that routine. Of course now, it’s a habit. I don’t have to think about it.

My morning routine consists of taking some time out to meditate and quiet myself. This may mean that I have to get up a little earlier, because I don’t get that time no matter what… I try not to mess up that part of my routine. I get up early enough to get some quiet contemplation.  Sometimes people think you have to get in this state of mind and that you have to get in a certain position. I don’t go that route with meditation. I keep it very simple. Most of the time it happens in my bed. I get really quiet and still, and I’m just thinking about the process of the day. I’m being grateful for just being alive and up, thinking about what I want to happen in my business, seeing a great outcome and quieting my mind to hear the thoughts, the ideas and answers that come back to me that I might need to add stuff on for the day…

I always listen to some type of inspiration. Sometimes I listen to my own coaching lessons. To ensure that what my clients are going to get is really what I meant to say, really what I want them to hear. Listening to some kind of book in my nook. Something to inspire me… Then I pull out my journal and I write down all those ideas. I’m a firm believer that you have to capture your thoughts. Don’t try to keep them in your head because they will fade away. I believe that what is written is real, so that when you write it down if you capture it on that paper in your journal then you have a real tangible plan. This is about an hour of intentional routine work in the morning.

HM: What is a success journal and how can our readers use one to jumpstart their goals?

DSP: The success journal is my everything book. It has all the prompts in it that you will ever need. 90% of the people I come in contact with say ‘I’m a journaler’. Of course, it’s probably the people I attract into my life, [but] when you ask the next question like what do you write about? Are you getting answers from your journal? Most of those people say no. [referring to the Success Journal] It starts out with creating a word for the month. This is the word that I’m going to use for my anchor…Then there’s an 101 goals [prompt], just rewriting your goals every month. What happens is that writing and paying attention month to month [people] are getting more goals accomplished because you’re looking at it, thinking about it, rewriting it.Then, what the biggest thing is the visual page. They are broken down into five week segments. There’s a place for every single week for you to make a vision page. I have gotten so many results.

HM: How does your coaching differ from ideas of the law of attraction? 

DSP: The law of attraction is really just believing for the best outcome for yourself. I never knock it because I think we all should believe for the best outcome for ourselves. My coaching is part manifestation and part actualization. I deal with you believing that your product can sell. Why lots of people don’t have success in their business is because they don’t feel worthy of what they’re even putting out there, or they’ve had so much rejection. That’s where a coach comes in. A coach helps you overcome rejection, helps you overcome being pushed back. The other part is systemization. We do a lot of system training, how to do branding, selling, marketing calendars, and how to write your book systems. So that’s where mine defers from the law of attraction.

HM: Why do people so often feel inadequate when it comes to achieving their dreams? What can we do to combat that? 

DSP: Usually because they have been through some kind of crisis and they didn’t really push back from it completely. Most times why people feel inadequate is because they’ve been through something that shifted their confidence. Whether it’s losing a job, divorce (etc.). Something in their past that shook their confidence that made them second guess themselves. It makes them play really small in life.  Recurring financial issues can make you really feel like ‘Am I ever going to get over this?, Is this always going to be in my way’. That’s where I get a lot of people when they come to me. The reason they’re having trouble is [that] …they’ve really came to condition themselves to believe that this is really all there is for them. I have to help them recondition their mind to believe that, that ‘s not it you can push past it. Everybody has problems you’re not the only one, but those who are succeeding have these same problems but they push past them in spite of. They have to get that I’m going to win no matter what attitude.

HM: How do you drive such substantial results to businesses? 

DSP: I think the results are because of the way that my coaching is set up. It’s so much accountability. I think that’s what people lack a lot of times in life. Especially grown people. What happens is that we get grown we run away from accountability because we have freedom.’ I don’t answer to nobody. Nobody [can] tell me nothing.’… so people that get into my coaching program come into it knowing that there’s a strong [sense] of accountability.

HM: When did you know that life coaching is what you were called to do? 

DSP: I’ve been working with women for 27 years now. 20 years ago I was doing conferences only. At the point where I jumped off and went to coaching, that year my conference were at 6-7k ladies…What happened is that these women would write letters. [People] were like ‘ you’re coaching me but I don’t know what to do when I get home.’ I read hundreds of letters….at that moment I knew it was time to shift gears.

Learn more about Dr. Stacia and her business here

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