Every March The Illinois Institute of Art Schaumburg coordinates their annual fashion show that showcases some of the talented fashion designs of its students, faculty and others. The best part of it all is that its an entirely student produced fashion show! From beginning to end, the fashion promotion class of the school of fashion teams together to organize this amazing show that benefits a different charity/organization each year. This years show was titled "Exposed". It had everything from a unique catwalk to beautifully made designs and even a dance performance by Hip Hop Connxion. It was just extremely fun to watch! Not only are they putting together an amazing show but these students are making a difference in the community by raising money and supporting a worthy cause.
The proceeds from this years show benefited non-profit organization, 360 Youth Services. The organization's mission is to provide life-changing services to youths through prevention education, counseling and shelter. 360 Youth services is a well-respected organization that assists youths and their families in the Naperville and surrounding areas. They operate on an annual two million dollar budget and offer counseling, substance abuse prevention and housing programs to youths. Its these types of organizations that need the most assistance and support from their communities. With the help of the Illinois Institute of Art Schaumburg, its faculty, instructors, designers and most of all its fashion promotions class, 360 Youth Services has had some light shed on its cause and how important they are to both the community as a whole and its youths.
So I tip my hat to these amazing ladies, talented designers and supporting instructors and faculty. For putting on not only an exciting and amazing show but for all they have done for their cause and in supporting a non-profit organization like 360 Youth Services. Bravo !!
You guys were rocking in this event!! I admired your efforts which all of you had put in this event. Hey, have you ever organized NYC events? Please let me know. I am eagerly waiting to join your event.