Soho House Chicago Art Week Recap

I can hardly believe March is already coming to a close.  Wasn't it just yesterday that we were ringing in the New Year?  The reality is, we are three months into 2015 and so far, I think it's going pretty well, don't you? I mean, besides the frigid February weather and this last cruel blast of spring snow we just got hit with.  But, we won't talk about that...

One of my favorite events that has taken place so far this year, was the very first Soho Chicago Art Week.  Spanning Sunday, January 18th through Saturday, January 24th, this inspiring week of events brought together creatives, companies and collaborators from all around.  Here are just a few of the events that took place that week:

1/20 Trash In The House
The work of Instagram photographer, @trashhand was highlighted on the fourth floor of the house.  Prints of his photos lined the walls of the hotel room corridors and a short film about his work played in the cinema.

1/21 Damien Hirst Reveal 
Made specifically for the Soho House Chicago location, a piece of artwork created by Damien Hirst was revealed to a packed main floor.  This unique piece appropriately displays the name "Chicago" in vibrant, taxidermied butterflies.  To commemorate the reveal, Hamza Walker of The Renaissance Society spoke about the life and work of Hirst, ending with a short Q & A with the audience.


1/22 Drink and Draw 
Bucketfeet and Arcade Brewery  came together for one night, on the roof of the house to inspire guests to create their own art.  With a permanent marker in one hand and a brew in the other, I designed my own, one-of-a-kind pair of sneakers.  

1/24 House Graffiti on Green 
Highlighting local artist, The Lie, the Graffiti on Green series continued with its second installment.  

Thomas Lenard, Soho House Chicago General Manager, played a large role in the planning of Art Week.  We spoke after the week's events and he told us how it all went down!

Halfstack: How did the idea of Soho House Chicago Art Week come to be a reality?

Thomas Lenard:  Art Week began as a singular event to celebrate the installation of the Damien Hirst piece that was commissioned specifically for Soho House Chicago. The excitement over the arrival of the piece sparked a series of artistic events during the week. We found ourselves eager to involve all corners and interpretations of art – from drawing to social media to local creative businesses.

HS: What was the process of deciding which artists and businesses to collaborate with like?

TL: There are many friends of the house – both members and non-members – that are bursting with talent and ideas. On a daily basis there are many conversations going on at the house that start with “wouldn’t it be amazing if…”  and once we tagged Art Week, we saw this as the perfect occasion to bring those conversations to life.

HS: Which events of the week were you personally excited for?

TL: To the point above, Trash and I were discussing his Instagram work, specifically if he would ever print or display any of his amazing Instagram photos. We threw around the idea of transforming our bedroom corridors by replacing the current images on the walls with his prints.  A mini gallery.  Once we coined Art Week we had the push we needed to build out the collaboration. It was amazing to see him step out from behind his lens and standing next to his photos with so many of his supporters and fans.  

HS: How do you feel about the overall response to Soho House Chicago Art Week?

TL: Art Week has underlined the ethos of Soho House to our neighbors – that we are a hub for the creative community. Art Week was a great way for us to continue dialogue and build relationships with all pockets of the creative community.  

HS: Are there plans for more events like this at Soho House Chicago in the future?
TL: Yes!  We are already excited to talk about Art Week 2016.  Additionally, we look to create similar weeks that revolve around key milestones for Soho House, Chicago or the community.  We are planning a “wellness week” at the end of March – stay tuned for more info on that one! 

Keep an eye on the Soho House Chicago website for information about upcoming events.  

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