How to rock a designer dress without the designer price!

I had nothing to wear. It was Friday and I was attending the Chinese Lunar Ball the very next night, I didn’t know what to do. I was on my way to meet the owner of the Frock Shop, Jennifer Burrell, to check out her designer dress rental space located at 2150 S Canalport Ave, when I realized that my solution was approaching! As I walked into The Frock Shop, I was warmly welcomed into her space and proceeded to ask her questions regarding her business and how she came to be. She was inspired one day as she was cleaning out her closet and noticed that there were a lot of dresses in there that she had only worn once that were still in great condition and thought that it was a shame. So with the help of her friends and family she decided to open up a designer rental shop! She carries sizes 0-22 and has designers ranging from Herve Ledger, Jovani, BGBC, Alice+Olivia, Black Halo, to Elizabeth&James. I had never worn a designer dress in my life but with the help of the Frock Shop I was able to rent my very first one for only $85!

The majority of the dresses range from $85-$175 for a 4-day rental and $100-$150 for a 7-day rental. I was looking for a red dress but ended up picking out a coral dress from BGBC instead because I fell in love with it. I didn’t need any alterations, though they do have a seamstress, and they even have accessories and designer clutches for rent as well. Jennifer gets new dresses in every week as well as changes her stock seasonally. She also has a super fun Fashion Event coming up on April 2nd from 6:30-8:00 at her very own Frock Shop. This event is open to specially invited guests and the general public. General public tickets are limited. For full event details and tickets, visit They will also be presenting fresh new Spring designs from Chicago evening wear designers Boris Powell and the 828 Collection. A portion of all ticket sales will be donated to their non-profit partner, The Migration Heritage Foundation (501(c)3). See you there!

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