How to have coworkers when you work remotely

Do you work from home? Ever wanted buddies to work alongside you or just to be able to share a space with someone to motivate you while building strong relationships? More and more of us in the working world are starting to work remotely cutting off the relationship building that happens in an office space – well now you can have it! The Shift was started by Nicole Vasquez, a business owner paving the way and helping out other entrepreneurs!

The Shift is located in Uptown and to date is the only work-share space there is around. Nicole was inspired to create this “co-working” concept when she realized that there were no spaces near her home for her to work in her community and she was tired of commuting to the city to get stuff done. “We are a hub in the community for working, learning, civic engagement, and socializing” said Nicole Vazquez. Since the Shift opened its doors in November, it hasn’t stopped evolving as Nicole listens to what the community needs and molds the space to what her clients need. For more information on The Shift you can go to:

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