Everybody Kung Funk Tonight at The Drifter!

Even living in a big, bustling city like Chicago, sometimes I still find myself asking, "but, what is there to do for fun around here?"  That question gets even more difficult to answer when it's February and the thought of leaving your apartment makes you cringe.  

The best recipe for a fun night out for me includes entertainment, tasty cocktails and a cozy atmosphere.  Luckily, speakeasy bar, The Drifter is serving up all of those things!  Located at 676 N Orleans St. bellow Green Door Tavern, The Drifter recently launched Kung Funk Night, every Tuesday from 7pm-12am, featuring a special cocktail menu, screenings of Kung Fu movies and live go-go and funk performances.  Another special touch to the evening, you can pick a fortune cookie from the Buddha cookie jar to reveal your fate of which cocktail to enjoy next!   

So, next time you are looking for something fun and different to do, head on over to The Drifter!  Hide away from the winter weather, just beyond the faux bookcase door and cheers to a night out in this beautiful city.

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