How to Style: Black Buckle Booties

Happy Friday HalfStackers! We are now approaching the weekend and with temperatures feeling more like fall outside, dressing accordingly is a must. One piece that is easy to transition from the summer into the fall is a pair of black buckle booties (say that 3 times fast!).

Black booties of any sort are my favorite because they go with almost anything and add a bit of edge to your look. The ones I am featuring in this post are from Tobi. I absolutely love that these ones are simple, yet the gold buckle really makes them seem special. Below are my five tips on styling this versatile footwear style:

1. Pair with Jeans. This tip is first because this way is how I typically wear my black booties. Booties and jeans are the perfect start to an outfit that can easily be transitioned from day to night. Add a collared shirt and jacket for the day, while at night, swap the top half of the look out for a top with sequins, sheer detailing, or lace.

2. Wear Cropped Pants. In order to show off the shoe, you will want a pair of pants that hits right above the ankle. If they are a dress pant, then look for a cropped version, while jeans can easily be cuffed once or twice for the desired look.

3. Go Monochromatic. While you can dress head-to-toe in black and vary up the textures of your garments, even just wearing a black or very dark pair of pants/denim will really elongate the legs. This tip allows for a seamless look that makes your legs look super long.

4. Toss on a Dress. An instant outfit consists of a cool dress and a pair of black booties. To change up that basic combination, add fun jewelry and accessories to make the look unique and personal. 

5. Check out to get all of my outfit details and to see the latest styling tips!

Follow me @emilyehardtblog on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest! Also, follow @halfstackmag on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Stay Classy!
---Emily Ehardt---

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