Exclusive Emirates A380 Tour - the luxury double decker aircraft!

On July 19th, 2016 history was made when the Emirates flagship A380 aircraft flew from Dubai to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport for the first time. A lot of preparation went into being able to accommodate the double decker plane including the creation of a special door for passengers to enter the aircraft. "The improvement we've made at O'Hare to accommodate the A380 is one of the many projects underway that will make Chicago more competitive and attractive for passengers and businesses. I want to thank Emirates for its commitment to Chicago," stated CDA Commissioner Ginger S. Evans who is pictured below cutting the ceremonial ribbon to the right of Rob Gurney, the Senior Vice President of Commercial Operations (the Americas) at Emirates.

The media was invited on the plane after the ribbon cutting for an exclusive tour of the A380 aircraft. The first thing I noticed when I sat on one of the economy class seats was how spacious it was - there was at least a few extra inches on either side of me in comparison to other airlines. Then we went to the upper deck where the business and first class flat bed seats were located. There were so many luxurious amenities including a first class shower spa and an exquisite lounge where upper deck passengers could enjoy a cocktail, hors d'oeuvres, or five-star delicacies prepared by some of the world's leading chefs. I am pictured below standing beside the bar tender in the lounge where Jennifer Aniston drank a cocktail and enjoyed her time in the Emirates ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS8nqYf5NvQ.

Below is what a meal and seat looks like in business class:

Overall it was a thrilling experience. Not only was the plane beautiful, but the economic value and benefit Emirates and its passengers bring to Chicago annually is great as well - $383 million USD to be exact. Emirates passengers spend over USD $153 million annually and help support over 3000 US jobs. Don't know where to go on your next vacation? How about Dubai? Help Chicago keep the connection strong between our countries and check out the magnificent plane below:

For more information on Emirates: http://www.emirates.com/

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