The Time Has Come For Summer Adventures: Reef Sandals

If you were to go asking around people what they would do with their life if they had a month or two off of work, often times you’ll hear “I would travel the world”. Yes, I’m sure they would love to…but why aren't they? Traveling can be intimidating; whether it’s from the foreign cultures or prices, many people continue to just dream about it rather than get off their butt to adventure. Rather than going through your daily routine over and over again, take a chance and go check out the world. Pictures are great, but they won't take your breath away.

Reef is a company that stands for adventure. Its 30-year heritage emerged from an idea by Fernando and Santiago Aguerre. These two brothers have a passion for surfing and beach culture. These entrepreneurs were out to make high-quality active lifestyle sandals. Starting in South America, they moved from their homes and into Southern California to manage the Reef brand. Production set up began in 1984 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Now, Reef is the global surf lifestyle brand that thrives by their motto, “Just Passing Through”—a mentality any surfer understands. The team also includes world travelers, such as Brooke Dombroski, that stick by their side through the Adventure Seekers program.

Brooke Dombroski is a photographer, surfer and motivated traveler at age 30. She is originally from the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii. From the natural wonders and beautiful adventures Hawaii has to offer, she was meant to discover. She has traveled throughout the U.S. and islands of Hawaii, Indonesia, French Polynesia, Maldives, and Mexico. In our recent interview, she shares her experiences:

  Question: When was it that you started traveling? 
Answer: I didn't start traveling until after college, after settling in with a job and saving up my own travel funds to play with.
  Question: How have your adventures impacted/changed you as a person? 
Answer: I honestly believe the world is our greatest classroom and so the lessons I've learned on the road have been incredibly valued. Traveling has created some of my fondest memories, I've made some of my closest friends overseas, and it always makes coming home that much sweeter.

  Question: What are some of your upcoming trips? 
Answer: I leave tomorrow for Nicaragua with the Reef crew, and I hope to plan some trips over the summer coming up! Maybe Tahiti again!

  Question: How do you have all the time for such amazing adventures? 
Answer: I am a freelance photographer so my schedule is extremely flexible. When I'm not shooting at homebase in Hawaii, I try to find time to do some traveling. And even when I'm home, I make it a point to keep the adventures rolling!

  Question: What do you have to say to someone who wants to travel around the globe but has yet to get started? 
Answer: I think it's a lie to think that it's not possible for you to go out and travel the world. Yes, it can get expensive. Yes, the unknown is scary. Yes, leaving your comfort zone is hard ... but you never know what you're missing out on until you go. The world is beautiful and in need of enjoyment.

  Question: What is one of your favorite, lasting memories from one of your trips that has really influenced you? 
Answer: For me, making new friends along the way is the most influential parts about traveling. I recently got married and had several friends I've met in other countries that were there by my side. Life long friends that I never would have known had I not taken a chance to connect with someone new. It's really awesome.

In addition to Adventure Seekers, Reef has also come out with a Tour Tales program, which is a series that takes you on the road with the brand’s favorite musicians “Just Passing Through” on tour.The third is a Just Passing Through Film Series, which will consist of film content based around brand Ambassador travels each month of 2016. Interested travelers can check it out here!

Reef provides shoes and sandals as well as clothing for travelers on the go. This is a brand that ensures comfort and functionality along with style. I received a pair of Reef sandals and was WAY too excited about them. They are a light brown that will match almost anything with a band that goes around your heel to give your toes a break. They also have a coral leather on the inside to add a little extra fun and braided straps that go across the top of your foot. I was even more pleased to discover that the soles are not hard, wooden-looking material that most sandals similar to these are. This pair is squishy and comfortable for all-day wear. Just to throw a cherry on top of that sundae, the sizing is spot on. I am typically a size 7, and these hug my foot perfectly. This specific pair is officially my favorite sandal—the struggle is too real trying to find a pair that are narrow enough to stay on my feet without self-inflicted foot cramping, but the certain styles cater to all slim-footers out there! In addition, Reef shows off their latest technology with the new Reef Rover Hi. I, myself, am into travel as well and hope to make it across the world as the Adventure Seekers do, so that is the cherry on top of the cherry of this Reef sandal sundae.

Don't let yourself fall into habitembrace your curiosity, and veer off the beaten path.

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