10 Reasons Why Starbucks is Overated

I know a lot of you  are going to think that I'm crazy, but I can't lie to you I am getting over Starbucks. I'm the kind of person that I will dislike something the more people have it. For example, I don't like Leggings, (they're too basic), PINK Clothing, (I don't know I think they're lame except for their activewear that's kind of growing on me ) and Vans (If I hear Damn Daniel one more time...). So the hipster in me has been trying out new products and different stores and stumbled into Argo Tea.

You have heard me talk about Argo Tea before, if not here's my last post about their Matcha Shot. Since then, I have kept going back to satisfy my thirst. The more I went there the more I realized why Starbucks is overrated.

1) The closer you are to the Baristas the more they customize your drink.

You don't need to memorize a secret menu here. Lisa, my favorite barista from Argo Tea, hooked me up with this combination of Kombucha (Kom-Boo-Cha)  (Think of sparkling water with Probiotic bacteria found in yogurt), Hibiscus White Tea  with a pump of Rasberry and Bubble Tea pearls. Heaven. on. Earth.

2) Everything is Organic

I admit my diet is not 100% Organic, (man I still go to McDonalds, but I'm trying to fix that, though!) But , I kid you not, I feel a lot better when I eat/drink their products. I can do a lot more (like blogging :P) and more alert than I ever am with coffee.

3) It's a Creative Environment

I know in the suburbs of Chicago we don't get to enjoy Argo Tea's Cafes (they are usually kiosks in major malls). But when you walk into an Argo Tea Cafe it feels like home. I don't know about you but I like being surrounded by art. I feel like it boosts my spirits and makes me want to create. Plus the art on the wall you can actually purchase! Argo features local Chicagoland artist's artwork in their stores and they rotate them out every month or so.

4) They. Sell. Macarons

Do I need to say more (and yes they are organically made.)

5) It can be a hideaway.

In the Argo Tea Cafe (in the Theater District of Chicago) I go to, There is a second level. As you can see it's pretty quaint. Quiet enough for me to focus but enough buzz to keep me interested (I need a little noise when I work). Plus a view!

6) They are Panini/Subs too!

I'm a foodie. So it very important to me that possible that I could 3-course meal in any eatery I go to.

7) Any Type of Tea You Can imagine

They have English Breakfast Tea, Charitea, Hibiscus Apple, Pomegranateate White Tea, and etc. You can use any of these teas to custom make your drink. Take that secret menu!

8) Did I Mention Parfaits and Salads?

Yea they got that too.

9) Better Looking cups

The whole world really doesn't need to know your name.

10) Coffee: if You are in Dire Need

Trust me I have those days where Tea is not going to cut it.

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