Halfstack Highlights Ep. 24: An Interview With Yumi Sakugawa

The author and illustrator of the highly acclaimed book, "I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You", Yumi Sakugawa, was able to have chat with us on our podcast Halfstack Highlights.

Yumi Sakugawa is a writer and an illustrator that currently works from Los Angelos. I first came across her work a few years ago when I happened to stumble upon her book "I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You" at an Urban Outfitters store. Soon after, I was able to own my very own copy when my friend bought me the book for Christmas. I have been a fan of her work ever since.

Being a not-very-subtle fan of Yumi, I was excited to be able to interview her for our podcast. Yumi was everything you would imagine her to be and more! She's very wise and knowledgeable, but also extremely fun and interesting. Interviewing to her felt more like talking to a close older sister rather than interviewing an established writer and artist! (Please excuse my occasional fangirling)

An excerpt from "I Think I Am In Friend-Love With You" 

During our conversation, we talked about how she first got started with art and writing, her creative process, school life, what it means to be alive and human, and following dreams (we also briefly fangirled over Sailor Moon together). During some points of our conversation, I felt like she was interviewing me instead of the other way around!

Listen to the full episode below!

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If you like Yumi's work, you can see more of her illustrations on her website, Tumblr, WonderHowTo, and The Rumpus. You can also stay connected with her through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! You can also buy her work on Amazon (I just purchased my copy of "Your Illustrated Guide to Becoming One with the Universe").

Yumi occasionally does book signings and has tables at different art and zine fests around LA. If you're around the area for an event, I'd definitely recommend dropping by to see and purchase her original zines in addition to her books. Go on and check out her work!

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