Halfstack Highlights Ep. 22: Meet Meredith Rachek - Chicagoan and Author of Accidental Happiness

Hey everyone!

We have another great episode of Halfstack Highlights. I recently interviewed Chicago based, self published author: Meredith Rachek about her book: Accidental happiness. This was a fun conversation and Meredith's upbeat and bubbly attitude definitely brought out the young spirit in me as we spoke. I felt like I was hanging with a high school girlfriend chitchatting about boys. To be honest, I believe that it is her fun personality that makes her writing so special. She has a way of connecting with her readers and bringing them back to those very memories that haunt, inspire or motivate them.

While immersed in Accidental Happiness, the reader feels as if they are talking to a friend. At certain points in the book, it is as if the readers are experiencing what the characters are experiencing because some of those situations can hit so close to home. Meredith explores themes of love and loss in a way that doesn't come off as too high brow, but rather, she gives it to us like it is and keeps it real. It's a scary and daunting task writing a novel and even more so when you are self publishing, but this young woman has a great voice that is so fitting for the millennial readers out there. In this episode, we talk about her journey, what it is like self publishing, the inspiration behind her book and so much more. You can listen to learn more about Meredith and her book Accidental Happiness below.

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Thank you Meredith for taking the time to share your story with us. If you all want to connect with Meredith online you can do so on twitter @MeredithRachek and check out her site at: www.meredithrachek.com. While you’re visiting there, take some time to stop by halfstackmag.com and remember you can keep up with us on twitter, facebook and instagram all at @Halfstackmag

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